September 9, 2014


Quick Note: So tonight I've been moving my old posts from my iphone onto yes my posts may be a bit out of order:)The other website I was using is a bit outdated and is a lot more difficult to [smoothly]transfer everything altogether. It's a working progress:)

March 26,2014:

It was a nice breezy Saturday afternoon in Dana Point. We walked around the pier and saw some festivities nearby. Which ended up being a Hawaiian festival filled with foods,games,music and dance. Plenty of art around.Of course there were  plenty of booths all around for home based companies, boutiques,all the fun stuff. Long story short we ran into the right booth apparently. We decided to get signed up for a free tour to San Felipe,Mexico for the following weekend. We hesitated at first, considering you  only hear about Mexico's horror stories whenever it's brought up. All that next week,I was even thinking we should back out since we would be going down there with a group by BUS out of the country. But it was completely fine,these people have been going to Mexico for years with no problem.The bus ride was actually a fun time. Everyone was so kind and sweet,not to mention they made sure we weren't hungry throughout the trip.Definitely gained about 6lbs after those 2 days! Going thru the border was completely ok,even got some videos crossing  out of the states.Once we made it to San Felipe we checked into the resort and then it was dinner time. You can never go wrong with authentic Mexican food and unlimited margaritas! We explored the city,which was filled with families everywhere,a very cute town,quaint and quiet. The beaches were beautiful as well. Although it felt like we were getting in a workout ,since their beach was on a slope.( a little different I know).

The following day we got on the bus and drove out about 45 min to look at the lots their building up.We saw a few model homes and fell in love.By the end of the day we decided to buy one and plan our vacation home! Everything there is so reasonable and such great quality,you can't beat it. So my fiancé&I are officially home owners in San Felipe!Its great because even though it's a diff't country it's 100% ours,Mexico can't ever take it and we can build on it whenever we're ready!All the homes are made solar,so no water or electricity bills. It's completely safe and will be a gated community,with the added security. We plan on building in the next couple of years or maybe sooner. But definitely looking forward to inviting our friends&families in the near future!

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