September 19, 2014

Here's to a great night.

So earlier my mom had called saying she had some extra tix for the annual women's conference called Divine. (Hopefully this won't sound like a bore.hahaa)

First off, let me say I just love Divine so so much. It has had an amazing impact on my life. When I was attending Free Chapel out in Orange County, I really didn't know anyone till I started going to Wednesday night study groups. I was one of those ppl who show up to church,enjoy service then leave and not try to talk or meet anyone really . Which that one night I showed up expecting a 'regular church service' but it ended up being small group meetings instead.Anyways I ended up meeting so many awesome ppl&new friendships grew overall. Because of being there, that's how I heard about&got involved with the L.A Dreamcenter. (It's truly amazing.) There's also an Atlanta Dream center here. Really cool things happening with these centers.

Ok,getting back on point...

Since neither of us has ever gone to a Divine conference,this was some good news. &On top of that,these tickets were given for FREE. Normally their $99 for each ticket(!!!). But someone at a recent service anonymously gave a huge donation so it could be covered for pretty much everyone.Isn't that just somethin?! &It was crazy packed in there tonight...Definitely such a refreshing service! We tried inviting some friends out as well but everyone had things going on tonight. Really was a bummer. 

BUT It's all good because there's still TWO more days left in this amazing conference. Sooo hopefully this weekend some friends can come along too. The theme this year by the way...Boots on the Ground. 

We had a good time taking some fun snapshots. (Will post more later) 
Zzzzzzz-it's about that time.


    (Sgt. Momma Harvey)

   (Looovee this hoodie t-shirt)


    (Need I say more?)


Check it out ladies!


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