November 5, 2014

Dear Stress...

I think it's time we call it quits. It's just not working out. Your not helping resolve anything. Maybe back in college when I would stay up till 6am the night before a major essay was due, the extra pressure would surprisingly help ace some essays. THAT type of pressure at the time, personally was good...

(Sorry, lots of writing here)
Other than that, in my current adult life...stress is no bueno. Or for anyone else's sake. In this age and time, we as people tend to focus on the negative; rather than more of what's good. It's understandable. We're human. We focus on whatever problem we're having at the time and want it fixed, now. But our thoughts impact us more than we realize. The more negative we focus on , the more negative vibe we bring to our mind, body, soul and sometimes (a lot of the times) even to the people around us. Personally for me, frustration hits when I think about finances. Yes, we're blessed and have gotten thru. I'm thankful everyday. But at this point I want to do more of what I love, not just get by.  I want to have amazing credit in this so called real world, rather than deal with dumb debt/student loans that just mess it entirely up. I don't want Elijah going thru the same thing. And to be real, I think alot of this has to do with obedience. What do I mean by that? Simply just obeying Him. I'm not trying to turn this into a spiritual talk, (&I'm certainly not a bible wiz, at all ) but for me personally all of this IS (and has been) just about that, God's purpose for my life. I know what God wants me to do, but honestly it's out of my comfort zone. Exaaactly where he wants all of us. I have honestly responded to Him like ' Look dude, do you know who your asking, I'm not equipped for that, you have got the wrong person here man.Surely you have someone better in mind'. But that's just how our God is. He wants the simple, blended, typical, (hope I'm choosing the right words here)broke/no money, broken/shattered, don't have their stuff all together type people, to become everything opposite of just that. To have a testimony to be able to share, that others can even relate to. To help shine some light to someone else's path. And the best part? He chooses who he chooses, and brings something good into this life (way beyond our imagination),all for His glory. He has a calling for each of us. Which serves waaay beyond typical. Will there still be hardships? Of course, even more sometimes. (Ok, a heck of a lot more). But one of the things to say to that is...everyone has free will whether we decide to stick something out, or to change directions. We have that choice. I know its not always easy. &I've struggled with just being still and listening for God. But if we choose to obey his word and just let him lead(&trust our father above is handling the enemy), we've already won the battle. He guarantees his unconditional love and to be right there with us, especially when we feel doubt, insecurities, or whatever troubles come our way. We just have to trust and keep seeking him. I use to wonder how can people really 'hear from God or seek Him?' I wondered that for a very long time. Even though I grew up in church, there were so many questions I still had. I now know He has his own way about it for each of us, and why worship has so much meaning. For myself personally,( &I don't usually share this) but know for a fact God speaks to me thru dreams. At this point, hes sending me signals, I know this. I just think its definitely time to start moving again and do what he's called me to do. Do I want to be out of the box/comfort zone? Of course not. But no matter what kind of stress,worries, insecurities may be going on, I know He's always there through it all and keeps his promises. And that... gives me a complete peace of mind.
I really was meaning to only write a little post on how to help manage some stress..Give some tips on how I usually like to manage it. Like maybe dance it out, run or walk it out. Heck, I was even going to push the limits and say steal the rest of someone's Halloween candy or chocolate if that helps. Yep, probably going a little extreme here. ( Ok I didn't really mean to say steal, but in a discrete manner take one or two of your family member's candy goods, if need be).

Alright, I've gone astray.
Moving on..... I'll just use what my phone case says  (a constant, sweet reminder) :

Pray more, worry less :)
Everything else will fall into place, keep doing your best, and always keep faith! Say BYE-BYE to stress:)

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