December 23, 2014

This is for you. {Resolutions List}

          The first 2 are for guys know who ya are!
           Ok, nvm I've kinda made it pretty obvious for one of you,lol.
There's some things I need to work on for 2015. Don't we all :) I've admitted I have a couple of issues. For starters, I don't like putting leftover food away in containers. I just prefer to put the entire pan,plates and utensils all in the fridge 'till further notice. (Which EQUALS 'till I feel like it). I really didn't think I had a problem, until about a week or so ago. I swear, i'm really not lazy...there's just moments. Anyways, I was confronted recently by one of my best friends + my dear hubz while hanging out in the kitchen one night. My sweet friend opened the fridge to grab something and was overwhelmed by what she saw. It felt more like an intervention. Real story. It's been a bad habit for years ya'll. I've been hearing it from everyone for too long. At least we can somewhat laugh at it. I promised them I will try and change this?? Although Dylan & I have a good team effort in the kitchen, I don't see why I really need to change??!


So, here goes some jolly new years resolutions/ bucket list. (This list may sound a little boring or ridiculous,lol) Lets get this over with. (&like I said, the first two below, are for you two organized, food/dishes&kitchen freaks, still love u!)

1. I will not leave food in pans, I will use ziploc, those glad containers, whatever else their called to put food neatly away in the fridge.

2. I will try my best and actually attempt to put dishes in the dishwasher correctly, I guess like normal humans do.


3. To not fall asleep after one glass of Barefoot. It gets me everytime!

4. Ok, on to some actual real resolutions:)

....Spend less, save more.

5.  To get involved again with choir. or some sort of music team, and to stay involved for good.
&Volunteer work,helping others. (Hillsong NYC, i'm coming for you!! :)

6. To get Elijah involved in a toddler sports team he'll enjoy, doesn't matter which sport !

7. Go to Europe, Italy, some place new (&also to become better with geography, ugh. I don't know where nothin' is on the globe, let alone some of the U.S! Sad.)

8. I'm missing Cali terribly, I want to go back and visit soo sooooon.

9. To still have this blog going :)

10. To reply to all texts the same day& check voicemail on a reg. basis

11. To check our mailbox. (It's usually junk anyways, paperless is waay better!)

12. To get my curly hair healthier!

13. Drink more water

14. Maybe to start writing a novel, even if its on here somewhere. A love story perhaps?

15. Hopefully to gain a few pounds and keep it on. (Don't judge! Lol)

16. To let go of things I just can't control

17. To continue to be happy, laugh/live and love!

18. Oh and to finally try a hot air balloon ride!

I could say plenty in regards to 2014. It hasn't been bad and from the outside most people would say it's been really good. Which there's been alot of good. But also some disappointment. I've learned alot for sure. Still i'm so thankful for this year, for family,friends, new adventures we've had,for our health &having protection everywhere we go. Just praying for this new adventure/chapter coming to involve great opportunities and laughter. God willing plenty of more years to come, and for us to pursue our callings. Praying for some friends and family, who have recently gotten bad news during this holiday season. &For this day&time, its getting scarier everyday. Just praying for  the world and for some miracles to happen in it, and for hate to diminish.

The earth needs more love and kindness..


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