September 20, 2015


I sit back sometimes (more so lately), and think how insanely fast time has flown by. I mean seriously, Christmas is less than 100 days away. We all make plans, goals, and lately a lot of us have gotten married and ventured off into new adventures. The people around me, my family, friends, people I'm most closest to, their all in some sort of new phase in their life. It's weird sometimes for me to ponder on that. How so much is changing. My son is about to be 5 yrs old next month, a couple of weeks ago we were even working on his first school project. The years are flying by too fast for me. A lot of times we simply just want some things to never change. I remember a few years back I went on a labor day weekend trip with my parents, sisters and cousin D. Elijah was with Dylan and his parents. I actually almost spent that weekend with them, but had promised my sister I would go on this planned trip. And that was important to me, keeping that promise. And looking back, so happy I did. Because for some odd reason, even while having a blast on the road trip to and from Destin, I knew deep down that I would miss this. That it might be our last family trip, at least for a while.

And it was. Just like that.

I look at how things are now, and sometimes wish I could rewind. To go back and change some things. To help my parents work their marriage out. To erase all of my loved ones heartache and pains. To help change some people's mindsets and their outlooks. Our perspectives have more of an impact on us, than we actually realize. If only we could control the things we can't..

We make these goals and say by this  time I see myself being here, we're constantly thinking about just getting there rather than embracing the now. Is it more of our generation that thinks this way? Do we just want more, but not have to work for it? Has this generation been cursed with laziness? We compare where other people are, and that's natural I think. As long as we're not letting ourselves get down in the dumps over comparison.We go on social media and it appears peoples lives are in tact, as if its perfect. It's hard for us to remember, it's just social media. I know I've talked about this before, but we all have our own path cut out for us. Yeah,we may not always know what that is. But for starters, its not to be exactly like the people we may follow on twitter or instagram. To have someone as an inspiration is always an amazing thing. But love your life.And if you don't, aim towards changing it for the better. We might have some bumps along the way. Unfortunately that's what comes with it. But wanna know the good news? The hard stuff  is what makes that purpose even greater.

Last night we rented 'Aloha' starring Bradley Cooper, Emma Stone, and Rachel McAdams.  A strong cast. The trailer seemed really good, so we wanted to check it out. However, it seemed a little slow to me at times. I kept thinking 'this probably isn't going to be as good like we thought'. I could go on and on in detail about the story line, about how his career was basically his life. How he had reached his goals from since he was a kid. That he reconnected with his old love, realizing things that he hadn't 13 years ago. In my opinion, it was about transition, about choices, how it can altar everything. And you could sense the connection, the love from all those years ago. This movie in my eyes stood out. Especially towards the end. It was moving, emotional and beautiful even, all of that and a single word not having to be uttered. I certainty wasn't  expecting any tears to come rollin'. It reminded me how there are these moments we get in life. We get to the point we have somehow overcome/accepted reality, in which things will never be the same after this. That  this is something you will never forget, something in your soul telling you, your going to miss this.

1 comment :

  1. So true! I'm guilty of worrying about where I thought I'd be at 27 years old instead of just appreciating all that I've accomplished so far. Very wise words, friend.
