September 16, 2015


Time is FLYING.

&I have pics that I need to dump on here.

Currently: feeling too lazy for all that.


1. We took a 3 day trip out to Texas to see my grandfather and fam .
He's recently been battling melanoma cancer for some time. It was definitely a much needed trip, a bit emotional.

Elijah of course had a blast out in the farms and got to hang with his cousins!

2. My baby started PRE-K last month [!!!]

3.Lately I've been having some baby fever..but then again, I don't know if I want any more right now, lol.

4. I feel like I haven't had much of a life b/c of WORK. Haha.
Working in the Er will do that. I had a 'set' scheldue but lately not so much. The good thing is sometimes I work for 6 days straight and then get 4 off.
I definitely want to start my own thing, to be an entrepreneur and have some freedom. Just trying to figure out what that is exactly.

5. Jack (Dylan's childhood puppy) passed away in July..soo the house has been weird without him.
We did however fall in love w/an adorable talking bird named Robert. We almost took him home.

6. My sister is officially in MIAMI for school and Dylan and I just got back from a nice long weekend. It was kinda like our honeymoon/summer break mix:)

7. Marriage life is good! I think we actually have more fun being married:)

8.Speaking of marriage, we started reading 'You and me Forever' by Francis&Lisa Chan. Definitely a must read. We downloaded the app so we can read, take notes, highlight and everything. It's pretty awesome.

9. I miss Georgia a bit. Haven't been since May!

10. I've been doing really good with my hair, no added heat from blowdryers, straighteners etc. Just my co-wash, conditioners and deep cleansers. It's still taking forever to grow to my preferred length.
Curly chic problems.

11. Haven't even worn makeup in I don't know how long. Besides mascara.
Just letting my skin breathe for a while.

12. If you ever go to Miami, make sure you have a bikini wax done before hand. Or else you'll be spending well over $50 or so bucks for one.

13. House/apartment hunting in Florida is a painnnn.

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