February 12, 2016

Stop being so insecure.

I've had some of this just sitting in my draft box for a couple of months or so. And I won't make this a chapter book today,but would like to briefly share some thoughts. Thoughts on something (deep down) we're all familiar with.
And yep looking back, I've always had some kind of insecurity.Whether it was blemishes, imperfections, or my butt/chest wasn't big enough, like everyone else's in the world. I either had too many freckles, too skinny here, not enough there, there has always been something to complain about it seems. Coming up on almost 27 years old, I'm overall content in who I am.  I've learned comparison is a confidence killer. It's just a waste of energy. (Social media doesn't make it any easier for this generation and our younger people, but thats probably for another post). I recently did a fun,simple little photoshoot last month, literally And seeing some of the final pics, I honestly felt slightly disappointed. In my head I was like oh but I don't like this,and why do I have to have such skinny arms...and it was all just starting to sound a bit ridiculous.  I even thought to myself at one point in my life I use to actually do this for a living, and was great at it! And now...not so much. Then I started questioning myself why did I even go thru with it this time and so on. Nothing but ugly thoughts. Terrible right? I think in some way or another we're all guilty for doing that. We talk ourselves down and end up overthinking. When in reality it's only ourselves being so critical. And if there ARE negative critics out there...WHO CARES!? Let them be with their negativity. BUH-BYE.

I'm writing all of that to simply say: let's all learn/help each other to embrace our lives, to be thankful for the little things and love ourselves. Regardless of age, skin tones, career paths, our home towns or whatever...we're all people who need to uplift one another. We were all created differently for a darn good reason.Not trying to sound like a motivator speaker but seriously, let's stop analyzing and comparing every little thing and everyone. So go out in this world with your chin high, know you were beautifully created and LOVE being YOU!!

That's it for now :)


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