September 10, 2014

This happens to other moms too, right?

I don't know what's been going on with me&Elijah's sleep routine,but today is the 3rd day in a row we've slept in till nearly 10:30ish. I plan on doing some grocery shopping today since we're out of breakfast stuff,lunch,etc. All we've been eating is healthy organic things mostly,not eating out much. Personally I feel better,more energized and even Dylan too. Today was opposite. [maybe this whole week so far] Figured we would drive down to the closest spot [Burger King] to grab something quick, thinking we'll get some breakfast. It was already over by the time we pulled up. Elijah wanted only some nuggets and chocolate milk.I didn't even think till after the fact to just go to the grocery store &buy some breakfast. [considering Publix is right next to us].I kinda feel like a bad mom today! I know it's not that serious,it's not a daily thing but still..Ugh.I'm bothered,LOL.Then after seeing donuts were nearby,I was all about it. So yeah,I gave in to the Krispy Kreme today.Lets hope lunch and dinner goes better:)

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