October 26, 2014

We nap on Sundays.

Just felt like sharing some random photos from this weekend. Thankfully, we went out and spent some good family time with my mom and cousin D. He always adds some fun and laughs to any day. Elijah was definitely happy he came along. It wasn't planned or anything to go up to Helen, Ga...but since we were only an hour away (so we thought), we headed up there anyways. We ran into hours of traffic, hunger pains and pretty much some toddler crying episodes. At least on the way we had some pretty views of mountains and flower fields. My cousin made sure to mention [a few times] how he's so glad to not have any kids of his own right now. I told him, 'their the greatest gift in the world but yes, continue taking your time cuz.' Yep,definitely a laugh out loud moment. 
A couple of other things to mention:
My mom got hit on by this giant biker dude.Practically a giant from our view.He made a pretty bold move I'll say.But hey, bikers right?
We picked out some fresh apples and Elijah was so thrilled. Apples are his favorite:)
They also had pecan pie which uh...yeah we couldn't resist.
I texted my gma a pic and told her she still makes the best homemade ones.
Her reponse? 


Oh and my mom and I did attempt to go out last night with friends for some girl time. You know just for some food (hot wings) and wine. That ended up being a major fail. By the time we got out, no place was serving any food. Zero. Nada. Food over wine was the motto last night. So, long story short we went to the new Del Taco by my house.
Every. Single. Bite. Was. Epic.
& Today, (sadly I was unable to capture any pics) but we enjoyed church with some friends,for their adorable baby girl's baby dedication. It was precious. 
(wish tomorrow was the weekend...all over again).

Chasing my son down to get a pic.
He was too fast.
Fresh Everything.



  1. Aww, this was cute. Let me know if you guys carve a pumpkin! I'll come crash the party (i've never carved one!).

  2. Aw of course! Just come on over,later this afternoon/evening we're carving 'em :))
