July 29, 2015


I love finding out about new beauty products.I mean, what woman doesn't right? For the longest time I've used Clinique considering I worked there for some time. From the face wash to the toner, moisturizer and even makeup. Which even to this day I still use their lightweight + spf foundations. And I cannot forget about their 7 day face scrub. Simply amazing. Their men's face products are really awesome as well. Ever since then, I've learned more and more about makeup but more importantly....SKIN CARE. Whatever our skin regimen is will certaintly determine everything else. Whether you wear makeup everyday, or just whenever you go out I'm sure you'll love checkin' out a few of these below:)

I have yet to try it. But sooon. What caught my attention are their nourishing face masks. With tons of greens and antioxidants, your basically getting a skin detox. It's about healthy skin, healthy makeup. And as Glossier would put it, skin first.


Coffee lover?? 

Then get messy with this Australian made coffee scrub. Helps target skin conditions like cellulite, stretch marks,eczema, psoriasis. And yes, there's also face products (!!!) Can you say face scrub??!


Just remember not to over do it :)


sorry no pic!

Before using Luminesce, all I'd ever use was Clinique. And before clinique, I'd switch alot trying to find something to help my extremly oily skin. And finally found something even better.Well, actually my mother in law recommended I give it a try and so glad I did! Even my mom got hooked. Fast forward to over a year later, and we're still using it. All of us have our own skin type and so we know what our skin likes, what feels best and what doesn't. And after being hooked on great night moisturizers like Nerium, plus using the Clinique...I was surprised that I ended up loving Luminesce even more. They don't only have anti-aging night creams, but they have everything you need for a deep cleanse! Their face wash is wonderful (it lasts a good while as well), followed by the cellular repair serum and spf day moisturizer. It helps target dark spots,uneven skin + fights wrinkles/helps prevent 'em in some cases.  I love their night moisturizer considering it brings results and just make your face look and feel good! When I apply makeup, you can definitely tell a difference.Either way, makeup or no makeup I feel comfortable in my skin. And I looove sticking to only one skin cleansing system. The Clarisonic exfoliating face brush is also really great and gives an extra cleansing boost. Definitely worth getting!! Amazon has everything of course and lower deals most of the time, so I always pre order my luminesce that way :)


(another amazon deal)

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned yonka a while ago on here. I was reading thru some beauty articles last summer and came across this one. A couple of celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Kerry Washington are proud customers. They not only have beautiful skin, but it screams healthy!!! Yeah I know..their celebrities so it doesn't come as a surprise. But it also comes from drinking plenty of water preferably a gallon a day,eating right,etc..which we can all aim towards that!

Kerry Washington specifically uses the 305 clarifying gel/face peel about 3 times a week. It personally takes me about 10 minutes. You apply an even layer over your face and neck, wait a few minutes for it to be semi dried. Then, gently start to rub it off. You usually know once its all been removed. Just look down in your bathroom sink! I usually apply my cellular serum followed by the luminesce night cream and wala, easy peesy:)


We all have our own skin regimen and if its working for you, keep doing what makes you and your skin happy !  I would completely go on and do a makeup regimen but that's for another post, lol. Always drink water, try to cut soda out of your daily habits. Every once in a blue is ok! Eat your greens or add 'em in your smoothies/shakes. And let your skin breathe from time to time.Take a break from the makeup sometimes. Be healthy, active, love, and enjoy!!!


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