January 13, 2017

2017 Thoughts.

 It's never too late to write out your resolutions/goals for the New Year, right? I know it's all that people talk/write about around this time. But why not reflect on the past year, grow from it, and continue striving to be the best you? I look back on 2016 and honestly,truly feel grateful. A lot of growth, new beginnings (buying our first home,ever!), being in a new city and sticking to it, meeting new friends. Elijah officially starting school, adding a new furry addition to our family...I can honestly say I'm thankful for all those moments and many more. One in particular, being able to spend as much time as possible with my grandfather meant everything to me. I'll always cherish those times we all got to share with him. Waking up everyday and knowing he's no longer here on this earth though, is still difficult. But then peace starts to take over all of see him smiling in dreams and see him young and healthy again, gives my soul comfort.
Looking at 2017, really there's not a ton of things that I want to change. Of course there's a few things on my list that I would like to get done this year. But in general I'm ok not having a big list this time around. My aim for this year is to continue living life, and for every new day, thanking God for that gift. To not take anything for granted, to not waste a minute being angry, and laugh and love as much as possible. To not be afraid in this crazy world we live in, but rather show love and kindness still exists. To travel and visit my favorite places, see old friends and visit family members more often. To go hiking like old times, cook more, and eat more chocolate. To keep my mind open to learning and reading more. To sing and write more. To play more football with my son, to laugh harder and cry if I need to. To simply not hold anything back and not regret a single thing..

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